MSc Student
Ruipeng Li
Email: ruipeng(dot)li(at)mpq(dot)mpg(dot)de
Tel: (+ 49 89) 3 29 05 – 590 Room: A 0.34
Address: Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1 85748 Garching, Germany

Ruipeng Li
I am a MSc student in theoretical physics.
Resarch interests
-few body physics in solid state and cold atom systems.
-exciton-electron interactions in TMD quantum dots.
-polaron to molecule transition.
About me
I joined Quantum Matter Theory group at MPQ as a master student in 2020. Currently, I’m working on the polaron to molecule transition in few body systems with 2D semiconductors and cold atoms.
Before joining the group, I obtained my BS degree from Peking University, China.