Our very own Nicolai has won the teaching prize in the winter semester 2023/2024 for his […]
Our very own Oriana, along with Jonas, Arthur and Richard have a new preprint on arXiv […]
Our very own Oriana has a new preprint on arXiv about the generalized Higgs mechanism in […]
Our very own Rafał Ołdziejewski has a new preprint on arXiv about Optical lattices with dipolar […]
Our very own Enderalp Yakaboylu has a new preprint on arXiv about an analytical approach to […]
Jonas, Xing-Yan and Richard have a new preprint on ArXiv titled “Transition from a polaronic condensate […]
Felix has a new preprint on arXiv titled “Operator product expansion coefficients from the nonperturbative functional […]
Oriana has a new preprint on arXiv titled “Emergent Kardar-Parisi-Zhang phase in quadratically driven condensates”! In […]
Richard has a new preprint on ArXiv titled “Self-stabilized Bose polarons”! Abstract: The mobile impurity in […]
Richard has a new preprint on ArXiv titled “Far-from-equilibrium dynamics of angular momentum in a quantum […]